Stuffed Courgettes with minced meat
Welcome back to Original Greek Recipes series fall edition, impress your family and friends next time you cook for them! On the menu today is Gemista Kolokithakia, stuffed courgettes with minced meat recipe captures the wholesomeness of homemade greek comfort food.
For this recipe, we start with the filling, you are going to need onions, dill, rice, beef mince meat and two eggs. Chop everything and add them into a bowl and mix all together. Then scoop out the inner layers of your courgettes to leave a thick enough outer layer intact to create a shell. Stuff the courgettes with the filling and place them into a cooking pot. For the sauce, you are going to need melted butter, flour, water and a dash of lemon. Add the butter in a small pot on a medium heat until it gets softened, slowly add the flour and mix, then slowly add the water and the lemon until you get a smooth, runny consistency of the sauces. Pour the sauce over the cooking pot that you have filled with the courgettes and allow them to slowly cook for about 30’’ minutes until the courgettes and filling is cooked. Do you need some extra help? Click here to watch the video. Kali oreksi.
10 thick courgettes
2 finely chopped onions
1½ kg ground beef
6 tablespoons Carolina rice
½ bunch finely chopped dill
½ bunch finely chopped parsley
2 eggs
salt &pepper
For the sauce
100g butter
4 spoons of flour
1½ cup of water (you can add more for the consistency of your liking)
1 juice of lemon