Pumpkin Shaped Bread


For Proofing

1 cup of lukewarm water

1 packet of active yeast

For the bread dough

6 cups of strong flour

3 cups of soft flour

2,5 tablespoons salt

1 tablespoon vinegar

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 cups of water


We have officially arrived in fall season and I am totally here for it! And with a simple trick will turn our fresh baked bread into a pumpkin mouahahahaha! Just perfect for a morning breakfast a little piece with butter orange marmalade and a cup of greek mountain tea to start your day!


First step is to dissolve the yeast and activated by proofing. Mix in a bowl the active dry yeast with lukewarm water stir until it dissolves until the mixture looks foamy. Cover the mixture to rest until it rises. Make sure the water is not too hot because it is possible to kill the yeast. Next, combine the rest of your ingredient with the yeast mixture to create your bread dough. After you mix it all together, cover the mix and let it rest until it rises and place it in a warm space. In winter time if your house is cooler, pre-heat the oven for a few minutes turn it off and place the bowl of the dough to rise in there. Next step, you cut and shape your dough to how many loaves you want to make and let it rest until it rises for the last time. In this occasion we are going to use some kitchen strings to wrap around our loaf so it would give the shape of a pumpkin. When is ready and the bread has risen for the last time is ready to be baked 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees! To make sure your bread is fully cooked, you can stick a knife into it if it comes out clean means it is fully cocked. If not it needs more cooking. Make sure you take the bread out of the pan you are using, onto a cooling rack. Enjoy your home made fresh baked bread! Don’t forget you join our newsletter to receive all thing house!


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