‘‘Karidopita’’ Greek walnut cake
2 cups walnuts (ground finely)
1 cups breadcrumbs
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp cloves
4 eggs
1 cups sugar
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
Cinnamon stick
Mix the sugar and the eggs together with an electric mixer on medium-high speed for at least 15 minutes. Whisk until the mixture is very thick and glossy white a creamy looking texture. Gradually incorporate the powdered breadcrumbs, cinnamon, clove blend with light circular motions from the bottom up with a spatula, when mixed add the chopped walnuts blend the two components together until mixed.
Butter the bottom and sides of a circular baking tray and bake on a pre heated oven for 30-35’ minutes at 175C (or until a knife comes out clean from center of cake). In the meanwhile prepare the syrup. For the syrup combine all ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the cooled syrup slowly over a warm cake. Before serving, let it cool for a few minutes. Enjoy!!!