What is Success? Does it really exists?

What is Success? It’s an interesting question, and one that bears considering. Having a cup of afternoon tea and thinking about about a lot of things this couple of days and one of my many wonders is. How do you define success? Do you simply look at

I keep wondering these days what is success? Is it something that forms out of your character or is it what society dictates to us as success? I’m not sure whether “success” is just a buzzword, or if it really exists. Is something we choose, or if it’s given to us? I mean, how many times have you heard the definition of success thrown around? It can be something as ‘simple’ as having a nice house, with a good job, and a family that loves you. Or it can be something as complex as ‘being yourself’ and just going for what you want. But even so, it makes me wonder. How do we get there? How much success is enough? Can we measure it or is it a state of mind? Does success only described by material things or it has a deeper meaning that you need to look within yourself and the path you choose in order to feel successful?

There are so many people who don’t do what their dream, like the fear of failure is too big for them to overcome. They get stuck in this perpetual loop of job after job or a situation and never doing anything they want to do because their fear of failure. I know that feeling all too well cause I was one of these people. As we all try to make our ways out of our upbringings and answer these long standing questions, the way I have chosen to see this world I live on is perhaps slightly different from many others. We should remember that the person we are today is not the same person we will be tomorrow. We are constantly learning about new things and changing our outlook on life every single day. But you have to be free to choose how you want to live your life freely. That’s why success is very personal and unique to each and everyone of us, because no one can tell you how to be successful. In my opinion, you must find your own way and go after it fearlessly! But with respect to others. You could be whatever you dreamed of, but not on the backs of other people, but yet again, this is my opinion. You can’t be given a formula for success other than to seek your passion and pursue it passionately.

Through my ongoing journey, I discovered what success is and will be for me. It means being in touch with these three things: your values that you define it by yourself. It is about knowing the reason why you are doing things and following it. When you do the things you love, are passionate about and/or are good at, you can provide value to people’s lives via these things that make you happy. That is what success should be. So make sure you give your 100% at what you love to do, no matter how small it may seem. Like Just because you have chosen to work in a small company doesn’t mean you are not successful, just because you want to be self employed doesn’t mean you are not successful, just because you want to be a stay at home mum or dad doesn’t mean you are not successful. And many other examples, fill the gap with yours. And maybe you will be lucky enough if you find likeminded people in your way and share the same views and values when it comes how you view life.

The truth is you have to create your own personal definition of success. Finding yourself and knowing what you after in life will make things a lot easier to navigate through and achieve anything you want. We all have the power to design our lives, the problem is that most of us don’t realize it at first or circumstances haven’t aloud it us to do it yet. It can take time to build a life around your values. You will have good days and bad days trying to figure out what success means to you. That’s okay – it’s human nature. Not everyone starts at the same point. Each and everyone of us have a different path and it takes time to be where we want to be at. Take this time to reflect on what you’ve done, good or bad, and figure out where you need to go next in order to reach your definition of your success. Don’t get discouraged by the negative thoughts that creep into your head or your past mistakes; instead, take these things as learning opportunities and see where they can take you in the future. If there’s ever a moment when it feels like things are getting too hard, don’t forget to ask yourself: What do I want? Or better yet, what makes me happy? And then go after it with 100% of your heart and soul. It might take time, but you can only take one step at a time that will bring you closer to your success!


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