New Year Planning, how to get started
Dear diary, a new year has come.
I am writing this because I want to make sure that the year of 2022 will be the year you will have the best version of ourselves. We need to pause and reflect what we did and did not accomplish last year. A reflection should tell you where you went wrong and if you want to make sure the same does not happen again. But i think the idea of reflecting on your old things is better, because you can never do better if you cannot learn from your mistakes. You cannot resolve something unless you understand how it works and how it can be improved. So keep an open mind, take note of your old flaws and start resolving.
And, why not claim a brand new goals at this time of the year? Where do we start? Ask yourself 'why' you want to make these changes. Focus on the things that really matter to you, like family and health. Make a plan of action with and if helps you
instead of goals name them projects. Write down what you've really want to do this year. You need to create an intention behind your goals so that when you decide on a goal you already have a clear picture in your mind of what that feels like and how it looks. How much time you'll need to work toward your projects. Start by working on the most immediate one and gradually moving on to the next one. Don't worry about what other people may think of your projects. Focus on doing things you like and not letting up till you reach your goals. (that's what I plan to do).
Let’s start on deciding on a theme for 2022 how do you want this year to feel like what are your intentions for the whole year, your intension is your guide for your decision to make on the year. Invite the energy that you want in your life take your time and think, ask yourself what you have been wanting for so long all those things that you wish you had or wish you were doing. Think this year as a year of growth instead of just goals of a better version of yourself imagine who you want to be, how do you want your life to look like at the end of this year. Relish what doesn’t server you in life all the negative habits. It’s as important to do as having good ones. Having a good mindset is the first step, relish any negative thoughts and false beliefs about yourself let go and move forward for a better you.
Write down the steps you'll need to take to achieve each goal. Be realistic, and be sure to include how much time and effort each step will require from you. The key is breaking down something complex into small chunks and working toward each one separately. Also, don't think about your goal as an absolute — just because you can't do it in a blink of an eye doesn't mean you shouldn't aim at that specific goal. The idea is just to keep moving forward and make progress toward your goal, no matter how small it might seem at first.
Making New Year's projects is a great way to bring positive change into your life, but it's also important not to set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals or expecting change overnight. Enjoy the process of working toward your projects, and celebrate each small victory along the way. The important thing to focus on is setting goals that you can achieve. They should make you happier; otherwise, why set it in the first place? Remember, keep moving forward no matter how small your steps are. Make sure to celebrate yourself for completing your goals, as well as sharing that victory with others. This is not a project for one day or one week. It's my journey to becoming the best version of you and me in 2022. In order to accomplish this, I'll need your help. Please join me in making this happen and share your stories with me along the way.